Whether you’re trying to trick him into thinking you actually know how to cook something other than mac & cheese or you want to impress your girlfriends with how well you have your sh*t together, this (kind of) healthy cherry tomato and basil marinara pasta will keep you on top of your game – plus its easy to make which is all we really care about so we can be done and go back to watching the Kardashians.


Last night I was way too lazy to go to the super market and all I had in my house was pasta, marinara sauce, basil and Parmesan cheese. Turns out that’s all we really need in life anyway, isn’t it?


You can’t deny that there’s nothing more appealing than a warm bowl of pasta with fresh basil and Parm while snuggling on the couch and watching the Bachelor aka Corrine napping. The only problem? Most pasta sauces are ridiculously unhealthy. Like, I’m pretty sure if you eat pasta Alfredo or vodka sauce you’ll instantly get a heart attack and die. I don’t want that to happen to you because then who will read my blog, so I’ve made up this recipe for fresh tomato and basil marinara pasta that won’t make you (that) fat. Unless you add an insane amount of Parm to the sauce in which case you’re on your own.


Below you’ll find the recipe & directions for this easy & delish dish.







  • Cherry tomatoes cut into halves
  • Pasta of choice (I like Bows b/c it looks like more work)
  • Fresh basil, a handful
  • Garlic cloves (lots if your bf isn’t home)
  • Canned crushed tomatoes (I use the Mutti brand)
  • Marinara sauce of choice (I used De Cecco brand)
  • Fresh Parmesan cheese
  • Olive oil
  • Salt & pepper



  1. Heat a pan with olive oil (medium-high heat), add fresh cherry tomatoes to pan.
  2. When tomatoes are soft (2 minutes), add Mutti crushed tomatoes & marinara sauce of choice.
  3. Add the garlic cloves and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Grate ¼ of a cup of fresh Parmesan cheese and add to sauce.
  5. Lay the basil over the sauce as it cooks.
  6. For the secret ingredient, add a teaspoon of sugar (but just a little because fat)
  7. Allow to simmer for 5 minutes and, voilà, the marina sauce goodness is ready.
  8. Add penne pasta to marinara sauce and mix that sh*t.
  9. Serve on a large platter & sprinkle with a little more Parm (mostly for making it look pretty, obvi)


Recipe serves four regular people or two that are hungry AF.




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