The first piece of advice important enough for me to share here is this: nobody’s really thinking about you. Yes, that’s right. Nobody’s. Thinking. About. You.

It sucks, I know, but it also rocks. And this is why.

Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Raz Tal and I am supposed to be in the phase of what people call “the insecure twenties.” However, I recently read a book by a gorgeous, creative, intelligent woman that gave me a superb piece of wisdom and temporarily saved me from this “insecure” phase. And now I’m going to share this advice with you.

This is the part where I actually give the advice, so pay attention: We spend our entire peak, our twenties and thirties and sometimes forties, trying our very hardest to please everyone, worried only about what people will eventually think of us. We go to lavish parties, desperately try to hide the inevitable shallowness surrounding us, pretend to actually enjoy ourselves and the people around us. We take pictures of everything we do – because if we don’t, it’s like it never happened – and then we photoshop those very pictures, stripping them of anything that may have been real.

And then we’re 50 and we come to this revelation: we try so hard to be perfect, for what? So now we’re 50 and we finally start to be free, because guess what? We’ve decided that we don’t actually give a shit what anyone thinks of us anymore. So we do what we want! We get a tattoo, have a midlife crisis, leave our wife for the secretary, whatever. But still, we aren’t truly free. Why? Because we don’t know the secret advice I’m about to tell you right now.

Here it is: In our 70s, we finally reach our complete freedom, when you finally, finally realize this unbelievable truth – nobody was thinking about you in the first place. They aren’t thinking about you right now, they weren’t thinking about you back then, and they probably won’t think about you ever again. Why? Because people think mostly about themselves. They’re all caught up in their own dramas, their own Instagram pictures, their own midlife crisis’, they really don’t have the time or energy to care about you and what you’re doing. Of course, you may grab their attention for a second, just because, but sooner than later that attention will go back to the place it has always been on – themselves. I don’t want to wait until I’m 70 to learn and believe this, I want to believe it right now.

I know what you’re thinking. This is horrible and lonely and embarrassing. All this time you were sure that you were the center of attention, that people cared and thought about you, and now you’re learning that maybe they don’t! But wait, you guys, there is something so amazing about this liberating truth.

You are free!

Everybody is too busy thinking about themselves to be worrying about you, and that is great news because it means this: you can be whoever you want to be. You can do only what you want to do, and you should, because nobody is going to care that much anyway.
Do what you want to do.
Be who you want to be.
Create all the things you want to create.
Hell, create a blog that gives women advice about sex and relationships and life.
Because guess what? Nobody’s really thinking about you, anyway.

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