Happy girls are the prettiest, right? At least that’s what Audrey Hepburn taught us. Half of her sparkle came from the mischievous smile that was always on her lips. But it’s true. Happy girls are the prettiest.

You know that one friend you have who’s always depressed, never wants to do anything, and is always complaining about how her coffee isn’t hot enough? You don’t want to spend too much time around her. I have a friend like that, Danielle, and I either tell her to brighten up, or I just keep my distance for a few days until I can stand her again. It’s pretty much the same thing when it comes to dating. Men may not even know it, but it’s human nature to be attracted to someone warm, loving, and happy—and to be turned off by negativity. The feminist in me says, “I’m human. Just because I’m a woman, I shouldn’t have to put a smile on my face to get a guy.” I can understand that, but regardless of being male or female, humans are attracted to positivity.

Would you be attracted to a man that is constantly pouting, pissed off at his boss, or depressed? Or would you be attracted to a man that has an aura of good vibes, a man whose smile lights up the room he walks into? That’s what I thought.



SO, You’ve never been sad and you never ever want to be sad. Sad people are sad. Happy people are contagious like the Zika Virus. You are the happiest person alive, and nothing can get in your way. Your life is so great that he wants to put himself in it.

And he will.


If you have a stubborn, pissed-off look on your face, no man will come near you. Why? Because it’s negative, intimidating, and not fun.

So stop being bitch and put a smile on your face.

We all know how to fake orgasms; is it really asking so much to fake a smile?


When you smile and radiate positivity and happiness, men are lured in. They want warmth, they want a maternal touch, they want love, and they want positivity. When you’re smiling and happy, the man thinks to himself, She looks like she’s in a good mood; I might have a shot with her. She might be in a good enough mood to give me her number. He may also think, She looks so happy; I wonder what she’s laughing about. I would like some happiness in my life.

When a woman pouts and looks angry, or even sad and depressed, the man thinks to himself, She looks like she has no patience at all; asking for her number would be a long shot.

Lets face it: we aren’t always happy, and we can’t always be happy. We’re going to cry about feeling fat or not being successful enough or (goddess forbid) serious stuff. But if you see a cute guy at a bar and you want him to talk to you (because you will never go up to him, right? That’s not even a question. #dontbeadesperatewhore), remember: be happy, even when you’re not.


Say he takes you to a seafood restaurant, but you’re allergic to shellfish (true story) you have two options. 1) Be a bitch about it and have an annoying Kourtney Kardashian “over it” face, or 2) Tell him you’re allergic to shellfish (in a cute way), laugh it off, and order drinks and sides. You should absolutely go with the second option (but make sure to have your EpiPen). This can make or break the entire relationship. A guy wants to know that, no matter the situation, you take things easily. Of course, later on in the relationship he’ll know not to take you to seafood restaurants.


If he takes you to meet his friends and you’re on your period, feeling like shit and not wanting to see anyone, guess what? You’re going to have to suck it up. Friends are a huge deal for guys. You need to be as sweet, kind, and happy as you can. I’m not saying overdo it with an exaggerative smile like Hilary Duff in Lizzie McGuire, but I am saying: be cute. As we’ve learned, personality plays a major role in the dating scene, and so, do “his boys.” If they like you, they’ll spread positive energy (i.e., tell him how cute you are) and he’ll want to go for you even more.

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