Thanks to the new wave of confidence Amy Schumer’s ‘I Feel Pretty’ has bestowed upon us, we Smart Girls officially DGAF about what men want for the next few days ever again. Instead, we’re focusing on what WE are looking for in a guy, and guess what? We have high standards because we are high maintenance standard.

Unfortunately, this means finding a guy you actually want a relationship with can be hard, but since you’re a Smart Girl, here are 3 of the most important things to look for in a relationship.




As Kim and Kanye have taught us, couples exist in real life where the woman is clearly hotter than the guy. Sometimes, though, attraction isn’t only about looks – it’s about Kris Jenner’s determination to grow the Kardashian family brand. But seriously, you should never settle for how attracted you are to a guy, because if you don’t want to jump into bed with him as soon as he crosses your mind, you’re wasting your time. Even if he buys you a Fifth Avenue fortress and turns you from a Slovenian escort into FLOTUS, if you’re not attracted to him you’ll end up with a permanent resting bitch face and a constant desire to hit his hand TF away whenever he tries to hold yours #freeMelania.




This should be obvious, but according to every reality show I’ve ever watched and Khloe Kardashian, I’m honestly kind of confused. If you know what you’re worth, you literally can’t stay with a guy that doesn’t treat you like Meghan Markle a real princess. He can be Ryan Gosling’s long lost identical twin, but if he ever makes you feel like shit or puts his hands on you, there will be absolutely no settling. All jokes aside, if there’s one thing a Smart Girl knows it’s that the way he treats you is literally everything.






Sorry, but we all know happiness doesn’t last forever and diamonds do. LOL JK. I know money doesn’t buy happiness but it still doesn’t hurt to look for a guy that at least wants to be successful in the future, you know? As long as he has ambition and drive, you’re fine. If he’s not earning the big bucks (yet), it really doesn’t matter because you’re an independent woman who makes her own money anyway.














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