How many times have you waited for a guy to call?

You check your phone every few minutes, check his Instagram to see if he’s put up a picture or liked anything, check his story, his friends’ and ex-girlfriends’ stories, and still, no sign of life. You check your phone again, take a shower, get out, and still, no call. Maybe your phone is fucked up? Because that’s got to be the logical explanation for why you haven’t heard from him all day. Or maybe he’s with another girl?

Newsflash: you’ve got it all wrong.

I used to think I knew exactly how to act on dates, exactly what to say on the phone, exactly what outfit to wear. Maybe you think the same. Even if you did know what to do in the real world there’s a whole other, enormous world of social media working 24/7 to ruin any face-to-face progress you may think you’ve made.

So, sorry girls, the rules have changed.

The dating rules have pulled a complete 180 on us – a Brad Pitt on Jennifer Aniston – leaving us torn, confused, and desperately seeking a solution. But don’t worry, there is hope. The Smart Girl Rules are here. It’s 2017, Brangelina are divorced, and we, like Jennifer, can sit back, relax, and live happily ever after. I’m here to teach you how to capture the heart of Mr. Right, right now. But this time, in the most empowering, self-approving way you’ve ever known.

Think about it. A guy can decide whether or not he even wants to take the time to “talk” to you (text message/DM/Whatsapp/Call?) just by scrolling through a few Instagram pictures. Ridiculous, yes. But it also happens to be 100% true. It’s time to toss the rules our mothers have taught us, and finally learn the Smart Girl Rules of Dating. We really have no other choice.

Until today, there are have been philosophies and guides to dating with over 100 rules that are impossible to remember. Plus, they have no personal aspect. No personal stories about horrible dates gone wrong and how to fix them. These self-help dating guides we’re used to reading are boring and dishonest.

We’ve all read them—the dating books that promise to give us mind-reading powers to understand the brain of every type of man on earth, the guidelines that promise us we’ll have him at hello, the rules that tell us exactly how to act and who to be. But, like the term feminism, those philosophies are outdated.

We’re no longer dealing with not asking a guy to dance, or checking our home answering machines, or spending our days cooking for our husbands in the kitchen, or going on a Ferris wheel first date. Those times simply don’t exist anymore, and thank God(dess) they don’t have to. We are living currently during a time in which smartphones, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tinder, WhatsApp, and texting are the arena in which our dating do’s and don’ts play out.

But, at the same time, we’re also lucky enough to experience a world where women have the power to run, and (almost) win the presidential election #MichelleObama2020.

The world around us is changing—no doubt.  The question is, are we changing with it?

This blog is for women of all types. Young and old, fat and skinny, rich and poor, hot and well, not. And throughout this book, you will learn that what matters most is not necessarily the way you look. It’s the way you act.

Be the Smart Girl you are.



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